The musician Fotis Vergopoulos shares the secretes of the playful taximia and improvisation on the 3-course bouzouki, based on the Greek folk scales, in a one-hour seminar.
(This workshop is addressed to intermediate and advanced players)
Taximia and improvisation
00:24- 21:45 Rast, Segiah, Houzam
21:46 - 31:35 Hijaz, Hijazkiar, Peiraiotikos
31:36 - 40:06 Natural minor, Harmonic minor, Niavent
40:07- 50:17 Karcigar, Giourdi/Ousak, Sabach
50:18 - 1:06:00 Rythmical taximi – Improvisation in each scale separately
In addition, Fotis Vergopoulos also discusses picking techniques within a taximi (improvisation), pauses, rhythmic taximi and many more!