Antonis Xintaris, musician, makes the role of the guitar in rebetiko, smirneiko and postwar music easy to understand through a variety of tangible examples. Accompanied by Thodoris Xintaris (bouzouki), he provides the listener with the knowledge of playing the guitar in rebetiko, smirneiko and postwar music.
(This workshop is addressed to beginners and advanced players)
Player’s temperament.
The role of the guitarist in the orchestra.
The role of the guitar in smirneiki and rebetiki orchestra.
Kostas Skarvelis: from smirneiko to rebetiko and postwar music.
The technical aspects of the guitar.
Bass and kadinia (lower and higher strings).
Major and minor chords- finger placement for every note.
Diminished chords.
From theory to practice:
Various rhythms and basslines of famous songs, accompanied by the bouzouki.
Old and New Zeibekiko
Aptaliko, rebetiki and smirneiki schools
Karsilamas, rebetiki and smirneiki schools
Postwar music and the guitar
Tempo and Harmony
Syrto rebetiki and smirneiki schools